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BASOC & GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulations
BASOC has always aimed to respect and protect the personal data of all our members, noting that the vast majority of your orienteering relevant data is collected by British Orienteering or Scottish Orienteering and shared with appropriate and approved BASOC members.
As you may be aware, new General Data Protection Regulations, known as GDPR, will come into law with effect from 25 May 18. GDPR imposes new rules around data protection for any organisation that collects and uses data about EU residents. The new regulation will have an impact on all sport and recreation organisations and it will change the way that we handle, use and store data about the people we engage with. The regulation is designed to strengthen existing data protection laws for all individuals who reside in the EU. In essence, these new regulations make changes to existing law to make it clear to you (our membership) on what personal data we hold on you; how we intend to use it; and to make clear to you the rights you have with that data.
To be compliant with GDPR, BASOC has updated our privacy policy page
That page details the information we collect on you, how we use it and your rights.
Our mailing list has always been an “opt-in” list. So when you first asked us to add you to our mailing list, you will have received an email asking you to click a confirmation/subscribe link to confirm that you want to be added. We remind you that you can unsubscribe at any point by using the links at the bottom of each email we send out.
BASOC has also made changes to its membership page to ensure that you are aware of the data that will be collected by British Orienteering or Scottish Orienteering should you re-join our Club next year.
Further information on how orienteering manages your data can be found at these links:
Scottish Orienteering Privacy Notice
British Orienteering Privacy Policy
Should you have any further queries or questions, then do not hesitate to contact BASOC data protection officer: Email: membership@basoc.org.uk