Badenoch & Strathspey Orienteering Club

What makes BASOC work and who does what?

Team Basoc
Team Basoc
Published: Mon 26 Nov 2018

All volunteer run organisations have a number of people who help to keep the club functioning. As BASOC is a SCIO, we have a Board of Trustees including three official roles - Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

In addition to those roles, a number of other members sit on our Board (8 members in total) and lots of people provide support in other ways by planning orienteering events or training courses or generally helping out. These are all volunteers and give their time willingly to support the club.

The club is fortunate in that people do volunteer to take on roles, thank you to all for this. As a club we should ensure that volunteers are appreciated for their contributions and that everyone's experience of volunteering is a positive one.

Everyone is able to do something, but we all want to know what we are committing to. If you would like to help out, please contact the Secretary via the Contact Us page.

One other point to remember - BASOC has many experienced people who are always there to advise and mentor volunteers, please just ask!