News Archive for 2022
2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013BASOC playing cards
A bespoke set of playing cards!
BASOC eNews December 2022
Festive greetings to all - what plans are you making for orienteering in 2023? This eNews has links to things which will help you make plans!
BASOC eNews November 2022
AGM - notification of change of date and Events - loads of different types of event, should be something to suit all and some light reading!
BASOC eNews, late October 2022
Things are happening - and we want to let you know about it all!
BASOC eNews October 2022
Phew, the JHI and SOL event is over - reports to read, events to look forward to and loads more. Things are in no particular order - so make sure you read it all!
Creag Dhubh JHI and SOL report
Controller, organiser and planner reports along with some comments from competitors.
BASOC eNews September 2022
BASOC event on 9th October, other events, changes to Tuesday=O, BASOC athletes selected to run for Scotland and GB and much more.
Tuesday=O responses and revision
Following on from the responses to the Tuesday=O questionnaire, the shape of Tuesday=O will change a bit.
BASOC eNews August 2022
Important news this month - events coming up (remember to enter before the closing date), your opinions are sought about Tuesday=O, BASOC event on 9th October (volunteers needed), reports from summer multi-day events and tours and much more.
Tuesday=O, we need your thoughts on this!
Tuesday=O started in 2009 and was the inspiration of Hilary Quick. For the first year, it ran from April to October; in 2010 BASOC members asked “Why is this stopping?” and so T=DarkO happened. Since then there has been something on almost every Tuesday night from 6:30pm to 7:30pm (exceptions have b
Summer orienteering at ScotJOS Tour to Sweden
Alice has sent in a report about her experiences during the ScotJOS Tour - her first tour to Sweden. At the moment (August 2022) she is on another tour, this time to Stockholm.
Summer orienteering at Coast and Islands
Coast and Islands is a multiday orienteering event with low key organisation and quality orienteering on mainly new areas! Entries are limited to 200 competitors and this year you entered a group number (so you could be with friends) and this was your start block for each day. This meant very little
Summer orienteering at O-ringen Uppsala 2022
The O-ringen is the “worlds biggest orienteering adventure” held annually in Sweden, each year in a different location, with around 15,000 competitors.
BASOC eNews July 2022
First of all, welcome to all our new members; thank you for joining BASOC and remember – ask if you have any questions about orienteering! We look forward to seeing you at training and events.
Summer orienteering 2022
Many people who orienteer plan a summer break around an orienteering event. In 2022, a few BASOC folks are competing in a variety of events around the UK and Europe.
Jo and Ian's learning experience
Jo tells us what she and Ian learned from Lynne's recent afternoon coaching sessions.
News from the Cairngorms Big Weekend
Jo updates us on the event in Grantown.
BASOC eNews May 2022
There has been lots of orienteering happening and BASOC members have been travelling around the country to compete. The CDOs have also started work.
BASOC Taster sessions
Coming very soon - BASOC 'taster' sessions!
Alice's summer of orienteering abroad!
Alice Kemsley has an exciting summer to look forward to - she has been selected for a variety of orienteering experiences abroad based on her perfomances in a number of events in April 2022.
Alice and Clare at their first JK event.
The JK is an annual 4 day orienteering event (Sprint, Middle, Long & Relay) held every Easter since 1969. It moves around the UK and this year was held in South Wales.
BASOC eNews April 2022
BASOC events and events around Scotland coming up - get your entry in - volunteering opportunities and Tuesday training.
BASOC CDO appointment
BASOC are delighted to announce the appointment of their short-term Club Development Officer (CDO).
BASOC eNews March 2022
A short eNews - as we are all out and about orienteering!
BASOC eNews February 2022
Lots of events, training, volunteering and coaching opportunities.Plus we are now a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
BASOC Coaching sessions
While many of you take advantage of the Tuesday=O training sessions, running around in the dark is not to everyone’s taste! Some of you will also be starting to compete – and there is a choice of many events to go to over the next 4 months. So there will be a series of daytime coaching sessions to h
BASOC eNews, late January 2022
Orienteering opportunities over the next couple of months - there is BASOC Tuesday training, many events to go to, NNC2 at Culbin (postponed from December) - a packed calendar!
BASOC eNews January 2022
Welcome to 2022 – we are all looking forward to lots of enjoyable orienteering this year.This is an early eNews, there will be a ‘January 2022 part 2’ coming out later this month.