BASOC at Strathearn 2019
Results, experiences, photos and camaraderie! Read on!
At the end of July, 18 BASOC members made their way south to the valleys of the Rivers Earn and Tay for the biennial Scottish 6 Day Orienteering Event, named 'Strathearn 2019' this year. The group was a mix of experienced '6Day' competitors and some to whom the whole multi-day event experience would be new. Some camped, some had B&B or self-catering accommodation, others used 'tin tents' in a variety of places and towards the end of the week some travelled from home as the events were between Pitlochry and Dunkeld by then.
The 6 areas used provided a mixture of orienteering for all classes. The first couple of areas (Auchingarrich and Edinchip) were wet underfoot; Auchingarrich map was very 'busy' with contours and vegetation detail. BASOC had late starts that day and so were able to make use of the tracks made by previous competitors - the right track had to be selected though! All had early starts the next day at Edinchip so were making the tracks across and through the boggy areas. Day 3 was the BASOC helping day - more on this later - Dundurn was a new area for orienteering and was well received by all as were the courses planned by Duncan Francis and Peter Halling. Although this area was much drier, some competitors still arrived back covered in mud from feet to waist.
The words 'Rest Day' were taken in all seriousness by some - Jane (Purple), Gemma, Lynne and Paul all took part in the sprint race at Macrosty Park in Crieff - a great park for this! Jane (Purple) and Gemma also took in the Trail O event at Drummond Castle. From reports about other activities, cake was consumed, some took a break at home while others put their feet up!
The competition moved to the Tay valley for days 4 to 6. The route to the day 4 start was brutal - it was straight up a really really steep hillside! After that there was easy running on open grassland followed by controls in the adjacent forest with the finish run in taking place in someone's garden! Craig a Barns was the location for day 5 (and also where orienteering in Scotland really started many many years ago); technical courses which visited forest and moorland areas were enjoyed by all. Finally, day 6 arrived and the competition moved to the hillside above Grandtully; this was another 'middle' distance race and was mainly downhill. Although the map showed a lot of marsh this was fairly dry on the day of the event.
BASOC achieved 3 podium places as well as a few 'nearly' podiums. From the smiles and chats in the club tent, it is clear that taking part means a lot to all BASOC members. Full results are available on the Strathearn 2019 website. Below are listed the overall positions for all BASOC, M results followed by W results (and apologies if any are incorrect!):
M45L: Donald McCarthy: 19th
M60L: Duncan Francis 13th; Callum Scott 34th
M65L: Rob Hickling 7th
M70S: Peter Lamb 12th
M75L: Ian Hall 36th
W14A: Alice Kemsley 3rd
W16A: Anna Cox 20th (only took part on 3 days)
W18L: Izzy Cox 14th (only competed 3 days)
W21S: Alison Campbell 3rd
W35L: Gemma Karatay 2nd; Jane Chisholm 17th
W65L: Lynne Walker 19th; Hilary Scott 27th
W70S: Libby Lamb 27th=
W75L: Marion MacCormack 4th
Green: Jane Cox and Clare Kemsley (no overall positions given for this course)
Helping to stage the event
BASOC and ESOC were the two clubs who had responsibility for day 3 at Dundurn. Duncan Francis was one of the planners and must have put in many hours in terrain ensuring the best possible courses, thank you. Jo Cumming was an organiser and delegated BASOC to do the car parking and string course, thank you as well Jo for the time you put in. As usual the string course was very busy with many satisfied customers; as you can see from the photos below you are never too young to do a string course! Callum measured out the car park with precision and over 1000 vehicles were efficiently directed to their places. BASOC members had helped the day before tos et up and also after all competitors had left they were there helping to dismantle.
A few club members made to trip to Dundurn just to help; thank you for supporting the club with this, it was appreciated.
Another mention must go to Rob Hickling who performed took on a couple of controlling roles during the week as well as competing; this was for day 3 at Dundurn (as it was a World Ranking Event) and also for the Trail O on the rest day.
Thank you to all for giving of your time for this and for smiling throughout!
There is no doubt that the multi-day events help socially with the club. All have common ground to chat about (that marsh, that wall crossing, that run in, etc.) and thanks also have to go to the BASOC members who took the club tent and banner to and from the arenas every day. Yes, and pitching it right beside the last control on day 6 was genius!
What's next?
Going to Strathearn 2019 might have inspired you to start thinking of your next orienteering 'holiday'. There are several in Scandinavia / mainland Europe / further afield (I did hear some say they fancied the USA and the California O Festival 2020). CompassSport magazine has a list of what is happening in their December edition, borrow the December 2018 edition and have a look. Ask around in the club as many have taken part in multiday events abroad. Club trip anyone?
Lochaber 2021 will take place from 1st to 7th August 2021; if you think about going to this, maybe book accommodation as it will quickly be taken up (think: midges, rain, west coast)!