BASOC eNews November 2021
Loads and loads of news this month - great! I might have to start doing two news letters a month!
1. From the AGM & Club Champs
The BASOC Club Champion for 2021 is Suzanne Anderson – congratulations Suzanne!
Here is a summary of some items from the AGM:
- Gemma Karatay has resigned after 3 years of being BASOC Chair; the meeting thanked Gemma for all her work over this time.
- Clare Kemsley is the new BASOC Chair, all thanked Clare for being prepared to take on this role for the club.
- Jane Cox (Secretary), Mehmet Karatay (Treasurer), Hilary Quick, Ann McGougan, Alice Kemsley, Jo Cumming & Issie Inglis continue as committee members; Lynne Walker was also elected to the committee. When BASOC attains charitable status all (except for Issie) will become trustees of the organisation.
- Membership fees for 2023 will remain at the current level (it has to be this far in advance to allow for the set up of the British Orienteering membership side).
2. Northern Night Cup events
NNC1: 23rd November 2021: Spey Valley Golf Course, Aviemore. All details are available on the BASOC website – entries close 8pm Wednesday 17th November. This is a very ‘non-threatening’ area to orienteering in at night!
NNC2: 1st December 2021: Culbin: full TD5 courses to challenge you this week! Details on the MOR website.
NNC3: 15th December 2021: East Beach Nairn: INVOC are hosting this event on an area of low (gorse covered in places) sand dunes, adjacent grass / sandy areas and maybe into the runnable woodland? Details to come on the INVOC website.
3. Recent committee meeting minutes
Minutes of the committee meeting held on 27th
September 2021
4. Remember Remember to join in November
If you are a member of British Orienteering, you can now renew this membership for 2022 – this will also renew your BASOC and Scottish Orienteering membership. You should have received an email about this already – please renew now before Christmas gets in the way, it is so easy to forget!
If you renew by Direct Debit you do not have to do anything, your membership fees will be taken from your account around 10th
December 2021; for others renewal details are on the British Orienteering website.
If you are a Scottish Orienteering & BASOC member (i.e. without the British Orienteering part), membership renewal details are about to go live with letters coming into your Inbox. Direct debits will be taken on 15th
December 2021.
If you want to change your membership from Scottish Orienteering + BASOC to British Orienteering + Scottish Orienteering + BASOC, then please contact Hilary Quick who deals with membership.
5. How does BASOC operate as a club?
BASOC relies on volunteers to keep the club going. There are a variety of roles, some larger than others. If you have a small amount of time to give to keeping the club going there are things you could take on as well. Hilary Quick is the volunteer coordinator; she keeps the ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ sheet updated and is always keen to hear from anyone who could do something for BASOC. The Roles can be split up into smaller chunks.
6. How do we keep young people engaged?
Have your say with this Scottish Orienteering survey.
7. Trophies & medals awarded
BASOC members have recently collected various trophies and medals, well done to all for their performances across a variety of disciplines!
Scottish Champs, June 2021
1st in class: Finley Hollinger M10; Alice Kemsley W16
3rd in class: Rob Hickling M65; Gemma Karatay W35; Lynne Walker W65
Scottish Junior Cup 2021
1st in class: Alice Kemsley W16
Scottish Sprint Champs, September 2021
1st in class: Jane Chisholm W35
3rd in class: Ross White M21; Alison Campbell W21
Scottish Middle Distance Champs, March 2020 – yes these medals have just been awarded!
Rob Hickling: 1st M Ultravet
8. CompassSport Trophy
From our club captain, Ann McGougan:
It will be 2 years since the club entered a team for the CompassSport trophy! This is a premier interclub competition for British clubs. It includes a qualifying round and a final. The Scottish qualifying event will be held on Sunday 13th March at "Callander Crags". If you would like to enter or want to know more about it before you decide, then you can email me at - But please let me know if you wish to enter by Sunday 12th December.
9. BASOC NightO tubes
W are missing about 10 nightO tubes (white electrical tubes with a number and a reflective strip around them). They might have been missing since winter 2020; can everyone have a look in their garages, sheds, dark corners to see if they have been sleeping in there for all this time?
10. British Orienteering Development Conference
Interested in helping BASOC to develop? Why not sign up for some of the sessions British Orienteering are holding online during January 2022? Learn from what others are doing and bring ideas into BASOC!
11. Potential ParkRun in Grantown
BASOC received this email from Mike Causey about the potential of setting up a ParkRun in Grantown.
“I’m messaging you to ask if BASOC would be interested in joining me (and 11 other volunteers that I need to gather in) to setup a weekly parkrun in Grantown? I'm considering the Anagach Woods as a great location for it, and am in contact with the Community Trust to see if they would be willing.
My family and I moved into Grantown in early March last year, just before lockdown. Loving the location, and slowly coming out of the most restrictive days of Covid, I’m inspired to try to start a parkrun here. I wonder about planning a route around the Anagach Woods; seeing families and children and holiday makers enjoying a wonderful start to the weekend; hopefully having a good impact on the town as runners and volunteers and supporters stay on to shop or eat, or both!
Anyway, to summarize… would you be interested in helping? And do you know anyone else who would be interested?!
I’ve registered my interest with parkrun, and have had a very helpful conversation with them about what’s next. We’re going to need to find some supporters, raise some funds, and start making some plans. I do believe that a number of local community organizations, and businesses, would be willing to help, and would see the benefit to the town on a weekly basis.
It would be great to know if you can help in anyway. Please do let me know by email or phone, my details are below.
Thank you for reading this far, and look forward to hearing from you!
Mike Causey: 07523 640560: Email:”