Scottish Score Champs 2023
The 2023 Scottish Score Champs were in Anagach on 10th September 2023. Jo has written the article below about the event. Congratulations to all BASOC prize winners.
Out of 4 competing from BASOC, we got 2 x 1st and 1 x 2nd.
Marion MacCormick was 1st and I was 2nd in W75. Gemma Karatay was 1st in W40.
A Score event means we picked up a map full of controls and had to decide which ones we could find in 60 minutes. Each control was worth 10, 20 or 30 points. The most difficult ones were worth more. Our strategies had to strike a balance between going to as many as possible against being back late. Every minute (or part of minute) over the hour costs 20 points.
Although we all had the same map, we competed against men or women in the same age group.
The event was organised by INVOC, Inverness Orienteering Club There were 131 competitors. Ages ranged from youngsters aged 10 to women in the 75-79 age group and men in the 85-89 group, all finding controls in the woods at the same time. It was a lovely hot sunny day. Grantown Grammar School provided a great event centre.