Badenoch & Strathspey Orienteering Club

Scottish Relay Champs

Jane and Clare at the Scottish Relays 2022
Jane and Clare at the Scottish Relays 2022
Credit: Nigel Corby
Published: Sun 16 Apr 2023

The Scottish Relay Champs are on Sunday 28th May at Inverawe (near Oban); they are part of the Scottish Champs weekend.

Jane (Club Captain) is collating interest for the relay teams at the Scottish Championships on Sunday 28th May.
Details of the location for the Relays with a map of the area on the EckO website.
The relay teams are organised by age category with a system of handicap points, so to enable Jane to get people into the most suitable teams please could you provide Jane with the information required using this Google Form.
BASOC always have a great turnout for the relays each year. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and we very much enter into the Team Spirit element with lots of purple on show!
If you have never done an orienteering relay before you can watch the elites showing us how it’s done.